Welcome to Year 2
Miss Kalawsky
Miss Kalawsky is your Class 2 teacher. We are very lucky to also have Mrs Hook, Miss Potts and Ms Collier supporting in the classroom at various points during the week. In Year 2 we have PE on Monday and Friday's and will be taught by Mr Clifton. Things that you need to remember: * PE kits are to be worn on Monday's and Friday's. * Reading books need to be in school every day * A waterproof coat / sun hat / hat and gloves - dress for the weather. * A water bottle is essential to remain hydrated. * Name everything! All belongings need to be clearly labelled. * No extras.... please do not bring in any toys or teddies into school. When the sun shines and the weather is hot, remember to put on sun cream before you come to school or bring some that you can apply yourself. |
Curriculum Overview - Autumn 1
During this half term our English work will be based on two core texts linked to our topic; Tuesday by David Wiesner and After the Storm by Nick Butterworth.
Maths - Place Value
Children revisit learning from Year 1 on numbers to 20. While children have already gone beyond this, the numbers from 11 to 15 often prove more difficult to understand, so this step provides an opportunity to revisit these numbers explicitly before moving on to look at numbers to 100 later in the block. In Year 1, children mainly focused on being able to recognise numerals written as words. In this half term, they shift their focus to independently writing numerals as words and vice versa, which will be built upon later in the block.
Reading books
At the beginning of each school year we listen to the children read to ensure they are reading the appropriate phonics phase/ banded book. We will be handing out school reading books on Thursday 5th September and every Thursday throughout the academic year. Books MUST be back in school each Monday in order for us to issue their new book. We will continue to use Boom reader.
As in Year 1, the children will keep the same reading book for the whole week to ensure fluency and confidence is built across their time at home with that book. We encourage reading of any additional books, magazines, newspapers or anything else you have at home! |
PE kit
Our PE lessons will take place on Monday and Friday with Mr Clifton.
Children need to have their PE kits in school on these days to avoid missing out on these sessions. Mr Clifton may deliver PE lessons outside, and therefore appropriate PE kit is required (plain jogging bottoms, a plain sweatshirt/hoodie and trainers). Earrings must be removed or covered up for all PE lessons. Children with pierced ears must be able to remove their own earrings before the lesson or cover them up with tape brought from home. Alternatively, earrings could be removed before school on your child's PE days. |
Phonics lessons will take place each day to support the teaching of early reading and spelling.
Children have been assessed to determine their current phonic level allowing us to plan for their next steps in learning. Regular practice of the sounds we have been taught will greatly improve your child's recognition of graphemes and confidence with using these sounds to read and spell words. |