Our Mission - Learning and Caring Together
How well are our pupils doing?
• Our school will offer all pupils the opportunity to achieve to the very best of their ability.
• We will promote an enjoyment for learning that will enable them to enhance their future personal, social and economic well-being.
• We will prepare our pupils to face the challenges of living in a ‘changing world’ where making a positive contribution to the wider community is valued.
• We will encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promote Christian values through the experiences we offer.
Teaching and Learning (‘Provision’)
• We aim to provide high quality, innovative teaching and learning in a caring and supportive environment within the context of Christian belief and practice.
• Knowledge of each pupil will ensure that the highest possible standards are achieved in this phase of their lifelong learning journey.
• We will engage our pupils in their learning by providing a stimulating and enjoyable skills-led curriculum which encourages creativity and ownership.
Leadership and Management
• The views of parents, pupils and other stakeholders will be actively sought to help shape our school as it continues to evolve.
• We will provide a safe and secure place of learning where the effective deployment of staff and resources ensures quality first teaching, targeted support and timely intervention.
• School management, leadership and governance will be rigorously focused upon the pursuit of improved provision and standards.
• The school’s historic foundation will be recognised, and its religious character will be preserved and developed in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.
The Foundation Stage
• Through quality teaching and focused leadership we aim to provide opportunities for all our pupils to become capable, confident and self-assured learners; this will take place within a Christian context.
• The uniqueness of each child will be recognised from the start through effective communication and partnership with the family, integrated care and pre-school education.
Overall Effectiveness
• The school will recognise where it has capacity to further improve, and will strive to do so based upon sound, considered and measured judgements made in a climate of honest and professional self-evaluation.
• It will tackle weakness and find ways of overcoming barriers to improvement. Targets will be set that both challenge and inspire.
• Staff and governors will have access to high quality professional training and enrichment in the pursuit of improved knowledge, quality and standards but with due regard to the well-being of the individual.