Remote Learning Plan
In order to ensure that learning is continued, irrespective of lockdown and self-isolation, we have developed the following plan. This plan offers remote learning opportunities whilst also acknowledging that some households have limited access to devices and would require hard-copies of work and resources.
This plan will be applied in the following instances:
- An individual is self-isolating because of a positive test within the household;
- A group of children are self-isolating because of a case of coronavirus in the class;
- A whole class is self-isolating because of an outbreak of coronavirus
- The whole school is self-isolating due to a National lockdown.
Software and online platforms
Within all plans, teachers will set appropriate work in-line with our current curriculum, primarily supplemented by a range of resources provided by Oak National Academy and White Rose Maths.
Children will remain in contact with their Classteacher through Google Classrooms and Tapestry (Foundation Class). Teaching will take the form of pre-recorded lessons, with daily videos created by each classteacher.
Oak Academy has been selected to support remote learning for a number of reasons. The Oak Academy lessons are in-line with our teaching ethos – they encourage the use of retrieval practice, explicit teaching with high quality modelling, and the use of consolidating activities. The online lessons are free to all and offer a recorded taught session so that the children can access physical teaching from a teacher and then access work relating to that lesson within the same website. There are also hundreds of lessons specifically aimed at children with SEND needs and requiring additional support. Classteachers are to use the lessons in the classroom so children are familiar with the platform.
White Rose Maths resources will be used as they are matched to our current maths curriculum model. Children are very used to seeing these resources.
Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars will all be utilised to support the acquisition and retention of basic core skills.
Google Classroom will support school in offering online learning with the opportunity for the children to communicate with their teacher through live video. This will be used so children can speak to their teacher on a regular basis. Google Classroom will act as the main communication element between teachers and pupils. Teachers and parents will be able to message one another using the direct school email addresses, to share information and offer support.
In the Foundation class, staff and parents will continue to engage using Tapestry although Google Classrooms may host videos and other content.
In the event of any form of isolation and loss of learning caused by Coronavirus, parents must understand that engagement in home learning is compulsory, as is the expectation that the School makes that provision available and accessible to all. However, if children themselves are too ill to attend then they should not be expected to engage in home learning.
In preparation for home-learning, parents and children should make themselves familiar with the following platforms (logins and passwords have already been distributed):
- Google Classroom
- Spelling Shed
- TT Rockstars
- ActiveLearn (Phonics/Reading)
Timings and expectations
Following government guidelines, we will be offering 3 hours remote learning for children in EYFS/Key Stage 1 and 4 hours for children in Key Stage 2. Classteachers will aim to get work online in time for parents to 'prep' in line with their daily patterns. We recognise that with many parents working from home, timing of set work and pre-planned 'live' sessions has to be considered carefully. Work will be set daily and laid out on Google Classrooms in a user-friendly format. Whilst we expect the children to complete the work set online, we are mindful that it is not always possible for parents to provide the time to support that amount of learning whilst trying to work from home/manage siblings, etc.
Worksheets and practical Resources
If a child is isolated from school i.e. the child is sent home from school to either receive a test or self-isolate as someone in the household is being tested, they will leave school with their own stationery pack and exercise books to complete work in at home. Children will have immediate opportunity to continue their learning.
We are able to loan out IT equipment (ipads and laptops) to help with online provision at home. These devices will need to have internet access (this can be achieved through a home broadband connection or by using a mobile phone/dongle as a wifi-hotspot). Families needed support in aspects of IT engagement should contact the school for support and advice.
We will print and make available packs of any worksheets required for children who are unable to access these online. If a child is self-isolating they will be provided with a printed pack of work that is the same or similar to what the children in class are working on. Where there is significant new learning taking place in class that requires a teacher input, the child who is self-isolating will be directed to a relevant lesson on Oak Academy and on their return to school will work with a teacher or teaching assistant to check their understanding and provide further teaching where required.
Teachers will provide a weekly timetable with a summary of each lesson that will take place. Links will be provided on Google Classroom to where parents and children can find the online teaching videos and resources for each lesson.
The expectation of lessons will be:
- Daily maths lesson
- Daily English lesson
- Daily phonics lesson (Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1)
- Daily spelling session (Key Stage 2)
- Each day there will be a lesson for one of the foundation subjects (science, history, geography, design technology, music, computing, art, PE, RE, French)
Communicating plans to parents including ‘how to’ guides of using different technology
Our school website contains information of how to access our main online learning platform (Google Classroom) that we use to ensure that parents are able to support their child to access each site. Links to online tools are provided below.
Staff CPD
All teaching staff have been trained in all the technologies being used to support Remote Learning. They are confident in all aspects of our Remote Education Plan. However, our plan is to provide additional training as required as we continue to seek ways to improve our online offer.
Monitoring engagement with Remote Education
It is important that children engage with the remote education provided so that they don’t fall back with their learning, however we do acknowledge that each family’s home circumstances are unique and there may be factors that affect engagement with home learning. These may include parents working from home or limited access to technology amongst other factors. Communication is essential and we would ask that if there are circumstances that mean a child cannot engage at least partially with the remote education that their parent speaks to the teacher. We can then work together to find a means of providing remote education that works for that family’s circumstances.
Online tools and platforms being used
Google Classroom is a collaboration tool for teachers and pupils - this be the portal used to host our online remote learning. Classteachers have created online classrooms and invited your child to the class. As well as using Google Classroom to complete tasks within school - we will create and assign homework tasks via Google Classroom too! Your child has their own username and password - they can access Google Classroom via the internet on any device.
Tapestry enables us to track the coverage of the different areas of learning in the Foundation stage and the depth of children’s learning within them. Staff can easily record and view learning outcomes that have been taught and measure the depth of understanding individuals and groups of children have reached. Tapestry also allows parents the opportunity to view their own child's progress and even share experiences from home by uploading photographs, videos and notes of special moments. |
We follow White Rose Maths in school and they are producing many home learning materials that run alongside the scheme that we are following. If remote learning is required the teacher will let you know which lesson you'd need to look at with your child. Resources can be found at White Rose Maths Home Learning. |
We follow Letters and Sounds for teaching phonics in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Videos have been produced that teach Letters and Sounds phonics lessons. In the event of remote learning being required the teacher will let you know which video your child should access. Videos can be accessed here: Letters and Sounds Videos. |
Oak National Academy has been set up to produce a full curriculum with linked videos that can be used at home. In the event of remote education being required teachers will provide you with links to the relevant Oak Academy lessons to use with your children that match to the curriculum being taught in school. |
All children from Year 2 to Year 6 have a login for Times Tables Rockstars. This is a fantastic website that supports children in learning their times tables. Once your child has logged in they should play in Garage mode. This has an automatic training mode which starts with easy times tables and as the children get them correct it adds in more and more times tables. This means that it is pitched at the right level for the children so they're able to practise getting quicker at tables that they know rather than struggling over many that they don't know.
Spelling Shed is an online spelling program which supports the teaching of spelling in school. Spelling Shed provides us with a game-like format that helps builds the children’s confidence in spelling. We are able to create weekly word lists relevant to their current spelling knowledge and Spelling Shed provides weekly online and offline activities. |
ActiveLearn Bug Club allows us to continue your child's reading development at home in line with our phonically-decodable structure. The engaging online reading world offered by Bug Club should help capture your children’s imagination and support all the crucial components of becoming a lifelong reader. From decoding words to developing fluency every step is supported with comprehensive planning, teaching and assessment tools. Staff with allocate books at the appropriate level of reading/phonic ability to the children. They are encouraged to read the books, engage with the quizzes and enjoy them.