Remote learning: RE - Mrs O'Neill email: [email protected]
Happy Pentecost Everyone!
Many of you will recall that this is the day that the Holy Spirit came to the Disciples, and was seen as fire resting on their heads, and as a feeling of wind without any sound. After that the Disciples could speak in any language so were able to talk to people about God and Jesus in their own tongue. The Holy Spirit is the third part of the Trinity-Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and represents God living inside His Believers and giving them the capacity to love and forgive. It is therefore the birth day of Christianity, so truly a day to celebrate!
You can find the story here:
You can find the story here:
Hello! Another Assembly at Home from Rev Lauretta 20th May 2020
Jesus the Friend
Jesus went to Jerusalem. It was festival time* and the city was full of people. So he stayed at the house in Bethany, where Martha, Mary and Lazarus lived. It wasn’t far away. Martha, Mary and Lazarus loved Jesus very much, and he loved them. Martha was always busy, busy, cooking and cleaning the house. “Tell Mary she must help me,” Martha said to Jesus – all hot and flustered. But Mary was listening to Jesus. She didn’t want to miss a word. Jesus wanted Martha to listen too. He didn’t need a special meal. He didn’t mind a bit of dust. *The yearly springtime Passover Festival |
Something new this week! 6th May 2020
I bet you have been missing Mr Munroe's visits! Well here he is! Have a watch of his story about Gideon.
Now, I wonder who your hero is at the moment that is doing those extra special little things to make life better? Here's a task-make a card for that special person saying why they are a hero and thanking them for what they are doing. Don't forget to give it to them! |
Good Morning All! This week in RE, 27.04.2020
This week I would like you to think about Hanif and Samina, the Muslim members of the Hathern School Family. For them this is the Holy month of Ramadan. A lot of you will already know that Fasting in Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. This means that during this month, Muslims do not eat during daylight hours. This helps them to focus on their faith and on their charitable giving. Corona Virus has affected Ramadan for Muslims because usually they meet up with family and friends to break the fast as the sun sets each evening. Here's a clip to watch.
So here's your task. I think that the Big Feast at the end of Ramadan must be a bit like the Big Feast I'm planning at the end of our Lock Down. I'd like you to design a menu and say who you would invite, and why, when we can finally catch up with family and friends. I'd love this work to be presented in a colourful and creative way. Happy meal planning!
Anyone feeling they need some Spiritual help? Missing CoWo?
Rev Lauretta has put together a family assembly. There are 3 sheets here. The first tells you how to do it, the second is the Bible story you will need and the third is a prompt sheet for discussion and mindful colouring. I hope this reaches places that other tasks might not be serving.
Hello Everyone!
I hope that you had a lovely Easter break and had lots of fun with your family while staying home and staying safe! Maybe you had a chance to consider the Easter story and how important it is for Christians. Without Jesus rising from the dead, there would be no Christianity. I found myself singing "This is amazing Grace" quite a lot over the Easter weekend; I know a lot of you really like this faith song. I am going to put a link to Phil Wickham in case you fancy having a listen.
This week in RE 20.04.2020, All ChildrenThe story of the Good Samaritan, I know, is very familiar to most of you. It is a very significant story for Christians all over the world and reminds them just what the Commandments are all about. Remember the Commandments can be grouped into two groups, the first four are about loving God and the next six are about loving your neighbour. In this story Jesus explains just who your neighbour is. Have a watch!
These are unusual times we are living in-even at my old age I have not seen anything like this before and that's why it is even more important now than ever to "Love your neighbour as yourself." I have been doing lots to help people around me. I make activity bags for the children next door, I have been baking for people in the street, I have fetched prescriptions from the chemist and all sorts of other things. Now is your turn! How can you be neighbourly this week? Even the smallest gestures can make a massive difference! No work-just do something neighbourly and send me a photo, or an email to say what you did, my address is at the top of this page. I wonder if you can make Hathern the most neighbourly village in the UK this week. I can't wait to find out what you get up to!
A Message from CoWo Club
CoWo Club members were very upset yesterday to realise that the Easter Service they have been working on will not now take place. They had very much been looking forward to sharing the Easter story with you. Instead they came up with a plan to help you adjust to the new situation you are going to be facing in the next few weeks, and have created an Easter Challenge for you. They recognise that it is going to be tricky to adjust to being at home for everybody, but that if you read through their list of activities, it might all run a bit more smoothly for everybody.
They would like you to print the challenge sheet and put a tally mark in the tally column each time you complete one. When you have completed a challenge 5 times, you can colour in an Easter egg! They challenge you to colour all the eggs by Easter Sunday!
They would like you to print the challenge sheet and put a tally mark in the tally column each time you complete one. When you have completed a challenge 5 times, you can colour in an Easter egg! They challenge you to colour all the eggs by Easter Sunday!
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Welcome to your RE page! Here you will find activities and suggestions for keeping up with all things religious and spiritual.
Please look for the section that is labelled for your class.
Work uploaded 23.03.2020, to cover the two weeks until Easter.
Please look for the section that is labelled for your class.
Work uploaded 23.03.2020, to cover the two weeks until Easter.
Class 3 In your homework pack you will find a printed page of Easter symbols. Watch the video, then cut out the pictures and sort them into three sets-Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Stick them in your homework book in sets and write a sentence to say what the picture shows and how it is connected to the Easter story that you have been learning about this term. Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday? For Christians, it is a Good Day because Jesus died to take away their sins. Ask a parent or carer to help you with this experiment. Can you explain how it demonstrates that Christian belief? |
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Class 5
We have been trying to find out what it means if God is holy and loving. I would like you to read the passage from Proverbs. Can you work out what these things are that God hates?
Proverbs 6:16-19
16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
In your homework books I'd like you to think of a scenario for each of these, describe the situation, and illustrate it. For example, for "lying tongue" you would work out that it means telling lies so you could draw a picture of a child and parent looking at each other with a broken vase on the floor, and the child saying "It wasn't me!"
For your second task I would like you to create a set of Ten Commandments. These are rules that you wish to apply to yourself to be the best person that you can be. You know already that the Ten Commandments are split into two sets; the first four are all about loving God with all your heart, and the next six are about loving your neighbour as yourself. I would like you to split your Commandments into THREE sets. The first three should be about yourself, the next three about your family and the last four about the wider community. You should present these in a creative and decorated way.
For example one commandment for yourself could be
"I will always put 100% effort into everything I do"
I know you are going to come up with some great ideas!
Class F
You have been learning about what happened to Jesus at Easter. You have made palm leaves to celebrate Jesus riding into Jerusalem, and have foraged for sticks to create crosses to remind you that Jesus died on the cross.
Your next lesson is the most amazing of all because it tells us that Christians believe Jesus came back to life on Easter Sunday.
Here is the Easter story to share with your family.
You have been learning about what happened to Jesus at Easter. You have made palm leaves to celebrate Jesus riding into Jerusalem, and have foraged for sticks to create crosses to remind you that Jesus died on the cross.
Your next lesson is the most amazing of all because it tells us that Christians believe Jesus came back to life on Easter Sunday.
Here is the Easter story to share with your family.
At Easter time Christians like to make an Easter Garden. They build a hill and put three crosses on it and carve a cave into the hill. On Good Friday they put a small cloth in the cave and seal the cave with a stone. On Easter Sunday they roll away the stone. Can you create an Easter Garden on a plate or a tray?
Class 6
Hi Class 6. We have been considering the importance of the Resurrection for Christians. Easter Sunday is the most important day of the year for Christians, more important than Christmas Day. For Christians, Jesus rising from the dead is the evidence they need that there is a life after death because He came back to prove it. I have uploaded a power point for you to look at. It shows how Christians in all parts of the world remember Good Friday and celebrate Easter Sunday. Note the emotions of the two days. What can you find out about any of these events? Here's your chance to do a bit of research about how the two days are commemorated around the world and present your findings in a creative way in your homework book.
Hi Class 6. We have been considering the importance of the Resurrection for Christians. Easter Sunday is the most important day of the year for Christians, more important than Christmas Day. For Christians, Jesus rising from the dead is the evidence they need that there is a life after death because He came back to prove it. I have uploaded a power point for you to look at. It shows how Christians in all parts of the world remember Good Friday and celebrate Easter Sunday. Note the emotions of the two days. What can you find out about any of these events? Here's your chance to do a bit of research about how the two days are commemorated around the world and present your findings in a creative way in your homework book.
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Now, the point of Jesus dying was to take away our sins. These you will remember from the Ten Commandments-killing, using God's name in a bad way, not respecting your parents. But what about today? What are the sins of the modern world that we would want Jesus to take away? Pollution? Sexism? I am sure you have got loads of ideas. I'm putting a cross and Jesus for you to print if you have access to a printer, if not you can draw it yourself. Use coloured pens to write the sins of the modern world on the cross, then stick Jesus on top of them.
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Class 1
Hi Class 1! It's time for the Easter story! Have a watch of this video.
Hi Class 1! It's time for the Easter story! Have a watch of this video.
Here's your challenge. Can you retell the Easter Story using Lego, or dolls, or soft toys? Practise telling the story and then perform it for your family. If you can take a photograph and stick it in your homework book that would be great, but not essential. Ask your audience to write about your performance. I bet there are some great storytellers out there!
Class 2
Hi Class 2. Do you remember what we were doing last week in RE? We were making those shadow crosses using happy colours. We were going to finish it off this week so I would like you to do this in your homework book instead. Cut yourself a cross shape and then use happy colours to make a cross silhouette like there on the left. Now I'd like you write about the Happy Day of Easter- Easter Sunday when Jesus rose.
Now make a second cross silhouette but this time using sad colours and inside write the story of the sad day of Easter-Good Friday.
If you need a reminder of the story you can find a link to an animation in the Class 1 section above.
Hi Class 2. Do you remember what we were doing last week in RE? We were making those shadow crosses using happy colours. We were going to finish it off this week so I would like you to do this in your homework book instead. Cut yourself a cross shape and then use happy colours to make a cross silhouette like there on the left. Now I'd like you write about the Happy Day of Easter- Easter Sunday when Jesus rose.
Now make a second cross silhouette but this time using sad colours and inside write the story of the sad day of Easter-Good Friday.
If you need a reminder of the story you can find a link to an animation in the Class 1 section above.
Class 4
Hi Class 4! We have been thinking about the world that Jesus wanted. We learnt about Him choosing His Disciples and calling them to be Fishers of Men, and then last week you found out about Mother Teresa and all the things she gave up to be more like Jesus and help to bring the sort of world that He would want.
What I'd like you to do is make two lists; the first list should be called What would Jesus want, and could include things like Being kind to each other, and the second list should be called What's wrong in the world, and include things like Homelessness.
Now I would like you choose 5 wrong things and think of a small thing you could do to make a little change. You might have thought that something wrong is people being unkind to each other, so you could say that you are going to try to say a kind thing to everyone in your family every day.
I'd like you to present this in your own creative way; I know how good you are at making your work look interesting. I can't wait to see your work!
Hi Class 4! We have been thinking about the world that Jesus wanted. We learnt about Him choosing His Disciples and calling them to be Fishers of Men, and then last week you found out about Mother Teresa and all the things she gave up to be more like Jesus and help to bring the sort of world that He would want.
What I'd like you to do is make two lists; the first list should be called What would Jesus want, and could include things like Being kind to each other, and the second list should be called What's wrong in the world, and include things like Homelessness.
Now I would like you choose 5 wrong things and think of a small thing you could do to make a little change. You might have thought that something wrong is people being unkind to each other, so you could say that you are going to try to say a kind thing to everyone in your family every day.
I'd like you to present this in your own creative way; I know how good you are at making your work look interesting. I can't wait to see your work!