Here are some brilliant and fun activities for musical minds to have a go at.
Mrs Bratton has added some content to keep us singing too!
Next year (2021) is the 25th Anniversary of Young Voices.
Consequently the Musical Directors and past guests are keen to keep in touch and activate our musical talents. Why not give some of the videos a try (I am sure nobody will be watching....)
This video features Craig McLeish who has been a musical director of YV for the past nineteen years.
He gives you a taste of one of his many musical talents before taking you through some vocal warm up exercises and the singing of songs involving 2 parts. Craig finishes with the song 'Singing Together' which the YV choir sang in 2018. Enjoy! |
Anyone who has been a part of YV will know who David Lawrence is! His passion is to keep us singing and he starts by enthusiastically taking us through some warm-ups. He continues with a range of songs which include actions, singing in parts and the teaching of 'Power in Me' (again with actions) from YV 2016. |
If any of you attended Young Voices in 2017 I am sure you will remember the stunning performance of the Beatbox Collective. In this video one of it's members not only demonstrates his fantastic beatboxing talent but also (at approximately 14 minutes in) explains how you can develop your own skills. |
Ruti from Young Voices 2020 takes you through a series of warm up exercises and then a performance of her track 'I couldn't do this without you'. Please remember that this is a recording from the 7th April so you will not be able to post comments as she suggests. |
Calling All Ukulele Players! A fantastic video lasting approximately 7 minutes. LJ, from the YV band, takes you expertly through the playing of 4 chords needed to accompany the song 'Castle on The Hill' by Ed Sheeran. |
Recorded from a live broadcast on the 16.4.2020 Craig McLeish starts by taking you through vocal warm ups (which he starts at approximately 3 minutes and 40 seconds into the recording) and short songs before finishing with Get Loud from YV 2018. |