This page is an archive of previous home learning. For the most recent home learning activities, click on 'KidSpace', then 'Year 4 - Mrs De Becker'.
Remote learning: Year 4 - Mrs De Becker email: [email protected]
Hi Class 4!
Just because school is closed doesn't mean we have to stop learning cool stuff! On this page you will find activities that you can do at home. I will regularly be uploading new activities and challenges so keep your eyes peeled! During your time at home spend some fun quality time with your family, play some games, read interesting books and help your family out! Why not read a family member a story, do some baking, make up a dance or invent a new game? Don't forget that you can play on TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed and loads more! Just click the buttons at the top of this page. You can always send me photos of what you are up to through my email address, you can find it at the top of the page. I'm looking forward to hearing about what you get up to!
Mrs De Becker
Just because school is closed doesn't mean we have to stop learning cool stuff! On this page you will find activities that you can do at home. I will regularly be uploading new activities and challenges so keep your eyes peeled! During your time at home spend some fun quality time with your family, play some games, read interesting books and help your family out! Why not read a family member a story, do some baking, make up a dance or invent a new game? Don't forget that you can play on TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed and loads more! Just click the buttons at the top of this page. You can always send me photos of what you are up to through my email address, you can find it at the top of the page. I'm looking forward to hearing about what you get up to!
Mrs De Becker
Bank Holiday Friday 08.05.2020Today is a bank holiday. On a bank holiday, we would not usually be in school, so I have not put any English or Maths activities up today. This particular bank holiday is very special, it is to celebrate VE Day. VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, is the anniversary of the surrender of Germany at the end of World War II in 1945. This day is marked annually on the 8th May in the UK with a two-minute silence and an address from the Queen. This year, it is the 75th anniversary of VE day so it is an extra special celebration. I have found a few fun things to do to celebrate VE day, if you fancy giving them a try take a look! Have a lovely bank holiday weekend Class 4! |
Here is your maths challenge for today, as usual, watch the video first (Lesson 4), then complete the activity. |
Watch this video, it shows a flashback of someone's dreams. A flashback in a story is where the author writes about a memory that the character has of the past – they ‘flash back’ to a past point in time. This video is about a flash back of someone’s dream. There are loads of different settings and places the person visited in their dream. You are now a flash back author. Can you write a descriptive flashback, either about one of your own dreams, or about one of the settings in the video? Think about really describing what you see. Use these things:
I would love to read your writing, don't forget you can always drop me an email to show me! |
Click on the picture to watch the video.
How do we get computers to do what we want? BBC bitesize has a fab lesson all about it! Check it out. Challenge: Can you create a powerpoint, a video or a poster to summarise your learning from today's computing lesson? |
Cressida Cowell Reading 'How to be a Pirate'
If you missed the first three chapters, scroll down, or find them on her YouTube channel here
Here is your maths challenge for today, as usual, watch the video first (Lesson 3), then complete the activity. |
Here it is.... the very last set of comprehension questions for our class book 'Our Teachers are Superheroes'! Have a quick re read of the text to remind yourself of the final chapters, then have a go at the questions. ![]()
Have a go at this activity about plants and what they need to survive. Challenge: Can you sketch a picture of a plant in your garden and make an information poster all about what it needs to survive? |
Just for Fun!
Maths Here is your maths challenge for today, as usual, watch the video first (Lesson 2), then complete the activity. |
Today is a grammar day so get your grammar hats on! Today your grammar challenge is looking at fronted adverbials. Watch the videos and complete the activities. Your recap challenge is all about using paragraphs correctly. You have all been superstars at using paragraphs throughout Year 4, so I know you will be brilliant at this! |
Why, when we fly to different countries, is the time sometimes different? If it is 1pm here in the UK, why is it 2pm in Germany? Find out all about time zones in Geography today! |
Video Recap
Here are some videos that recap some of the learning we have done over the past few weeks. If you feel like you need a recap, give them a watch!
Here is your maths challenge for today, as usual, watch the video first (Lesson 1), then complete the activity. |
Time to get your vocabulary hats on Class 4! We are on the very last chapters of our book! Vocabulary challenge Read the final part of 'Our Teachers are Superheroes'
To find out what the words mean, click here for an online dictionary, use your own dictionary or ask someone at home. Challenge: Draw a picture or think of an action to go with each of the words |
Time for a DT project!
Before school closed, we were thinking about how we might go about making our own kites. Have a look at this Home Learning Kite project and have a go! Have fun! ![]()
01.05.2020 Good morning Class 4! Happy Friday! I hope you have had a good week, from some of your emails I can see that lots of you have been busy learning new things, gardening, looking after pets and wild life, cooking and much more! Keep up all the great work! What have you been reading lately, are there any books you have been really enjoying? If so, drop me an email with a little book review and I will post it here so others can see your recommendation, just like our recommended reads in the classroom! I hope you all have a lovely weekend, Mrs De Becker :) |
Here is your Friday maths challenge! Have a go at questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. These are the questions for our year group. |
Today's reading activity is very exciting as I know that lots of you know and love this particular series of books, and, it has even been made into a CBBC TV series! Have a go at this reading lesson based around the book 'The Worst Witch' by Jill Murphy. |
Just For Fun!
Class 4 Listen up! Remember reading How to Train your Dragon last term? Well this is another book by Cressida Cowell called How to be a pirate, sill about Hiccup! Here she is reading chapters 1, 2 and 3 have a listen, I will upload the next few chapters next week. How lucky are we to be able to watch the authors themselves reading their own books! |
Here is your maths challenge for today, as usual, watch the video first (Lesson 4), then complete the activity. |
Have a go at the activities around using inverted commas for speech. I know that we have looked at this in Class 4 already, remember SCAPS? I know you will all be brilliant at this! Challenge: Have a go at this challenge, using apostrophes to show possession. |
Do you remember when we learned about States of Matter? What are states? How many different states of matter are there? Have a look at this lesson on States of Matter and have a go at the activities. |
Here is your maths challenge for today, as usual, watch the video first (Lesson 3), then complete the activity. |
Re-read this week's extract of the book 'Our Teachers are Superheroes' and have a go at the comprehension questions. ![]()
What else are you reading at the moment, what books have you particularly enjoyed? I would love to know! Remember you can always drop me an email :). |
Just for Fun
Mindfulness - Train your Inner Ninja! |
Remember you can Find today's BBC bitesize daily sessions by using the red button on your TV or through iPlayer here.
Here is your maths challenge for today, as usual, watch the video first (Lesson 2), then complete the activity. |
Have a go at this BBC lesson on prepositions. We have already had a look at these in Year 4 so this should be a great recap! Challenge
Have a go at recapping using apostrophes to combine words (contractions) using this activity. |
Hey Geographers! Have a look at this BBC Bitesize activity on Contours, Keys and Symbols. Don't forget that there is also some great infomation on this if you watch the BBC Bitesize 7-9 Daily Show on the Red Button or on iPlayer. |
Just for Fun
Get active with a Go Noodle Session!
Hello Class 4!
I hope you have had a lovely weekend! From this week forward, we will also be using some of the BBC bitesize content that is on the red button and on iPlayer. I will put up the activity, any downloads and worksheets that go with it and often, there will be a link to iPlayer to check out the daily videos too! You might have already been watching the BBC education daily shows on the red button, if so, you will be an expert already! It looks like it will be good fun so I'm looking forward to sharing it with you! Click here to watch the daily show on iPlayer (you can also access this if you have the red button on your TV). Keep smiling! Mrs De Becker |
Here is your maths challenge for today, as usual, watch the video first (Lesson 1), then complete the activity. |
How are you finding the book? We are nearly at the end! Read the next few chapters of "Our Teachers are Superheroes", then complete the character profile sheet about a character from the story - you can choose which character you would like to use and which level of challenge you want. ![]()
This is our first BBC Bitesize home learning lesson, how exciting! Today we are going to be looking at the question: 'What was prehistoric Britain like?' You can watch the daily lesson video here - Click on the video that says 'ages 7-9' - the history lesson will be after the English clip. Then have a go at the activities. You can use your Home Learning Books to record any answers - just write the date and the title "History" |
Today is Maths Challenge Day! There isn't a video for this one, simply click on the button to be taken to the Maths Challenge. You can complete this in your home learning books. |
Write the title “Our Teachers are Superheroes, Chapters 7-9” Write a prediction – what do you think will happen next in the story. Next week, when you read the next section, you can check to see if you were right! If you need to re read the chapters, I have linked the text, just click on the file below the picture. |
Just for Fun!
Some of you might remember learning this dance when we had Sport Relief day. We joined Year 2 in the hall to learn it all together. See how much you can remember! You might want to perform it to your family to show off all your amazing dance moves! |
Why not make a home for some of the wild life in your garden?
All sorts of animals need homes, so why not try making a bug hotel, a house for a hedgehog, or even an Inn for some insects? Think about the creature you're making a home for – does it need to be warm, light, dry, dark, cold, or wet? Don’t worry if animals don’t move in straight away. Many will take time to get used to a new place, so check back each day or week to see if any new friends have moved in. |
Here is your Maths activity for the day. As usual, click the button to watch the video (lesson 4), then complete the activity. Remember, you don't have to print out the worksheet, you can always just write the short date at the top of your page and off you go! |
Following on from the Grammar Challenge I uploaded earlier in the week, we are going to be taking a closer look at using apostrophes. Watch these videos to learn about using apostrophes for contraction and for possession, then have a go at the activity. The answers are on the second page of the document - so no peeking until you are finished!! |
Click on the links to watch the videos: ![]()
Listen to a story
David Walliams has been adding lots of new stories to his website to listen to. Click the link below to choose one and have a listen. Here is an alternative if you fancy a story about a very clever spider. This one reminds me of Charlotte, from Charlottes Web - the story we were reading just before the school closed. Watch the video to find out more. |
Maths Here is your Maths activity for the day. As usual, click the button to watch the video (lesson 3), then complete the activity. Remember, you don't have to print out the worksheet, you can always just write the short date at the top of your page and off you go! ![]()
Have a read of the new chapters of "My Teachers are Superheroes" again, then answer the comprehension questions in your Home Learning Book. P.S. The answers are at the end of the no peeking until you have finished!! Challenge: Are there any words you are unsure of? Create your own dictionary by looking up the words either online, or in a dictionary. Here is a children's online dictionary: |
Get your body moving with Go Noodle! |
Here is your Maths activity for the day, all about writing in decimals! I know you are all going to be great at this as you are all fantastic mathematicians! As usual, click the button to watch the video (lesson 2), then complete the activity. Remember, you don't have to print out the worksheet, you can always just write the short date at the top of your page and off you go! |
Todays exciting writing activity is all about this picture. Once you have clicked on the activity, you will see the picture and the start of a story that goes with it. 1. Read the story starter 2. Quickly answer, or have a think about the questions that follow the story starter 3. Can you continue the story from where the story starter left off? I can't wait to read some of your stories! ![]()
Grammar Challenge!
Can you remember all the hard work we did on learning about how to use apostrophes? We are going to have another look at these this week. Remember: - We can use apostrophes for contraction (to put two words together, e.g. can not --> can't) - We can use apostrophes for possession - to show something belongs to someone e.g. (Mrs De Becker's book) Watch these videos to help you, then complete the grammar challenge. |
Just for Fun!
Try some Harry Potter yoga! |
Have a go at drawing Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon! |
Welcome back Class 4! I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break! The weather has been wonderful and I hope you have all enjoyed time with your families at home and had some yummy Easter eggs. I have been doing lots of reading over the holidays, I read a children's book I thought you would all like called "The Great Chocoplot" by Chris Callaghan, so if you can get your hands on a copy, I would definitely recommend it! As the government have asked us to continue staying safe at home for the time being, I will be continuing to post regular activities for you over this time. Remember, I am always just an email away if you need anything! I miss you all, stay safe! Mrs De Becker :) |
We will be continuing with the fantastic White Rose Maths resources. Here is your first activity. Just as before, click on the button to watch the video (Lesson 1), then complete the activity linked below. |
How is your memory of the book we have been reading together "Our Teachers are Superheroes"? Well warm up your brain and recap what happened before Easter because here is the next section of the book! Read the next few chapters, then complete the vocabulary check activity. You can either print it out or complete it in your Home Learning Books. |

Read the text here | |
File Size: | 842 kb |
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Vocabulary Check Activity | |
File Size: | 22 kb |
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Vocabulary Check Answers | |
File Size: | 26 kb |
File Type: |
For music this week, have a go at writing your very own song about staying at home. This could be a song about what it is like to stay at home, to give others ideas about what to do at home, or simply to thank all the people who are working hard to help people who need it in these times. You could create some background music using either an app or websites. A great App to use for this is called Launch pad on the Apple app store or Mix Pads which is on the Android play store, depending on what device you are using. Alternatively... The websites you could use are here: If neither of these take your fancy, why not make your own musical instrument from what you can find at home? You could even film your very own music video too! Have fun!! :) |
Over the Easter holidays, I will not be uploading regular school work as it is the holidays, yay! However, I have found some fun, Easter-related activities you could have a go at if you want something to do. I hope you all have a really lovely Easter and enjoy some quality time with your families.
Best wishes,
Mrs De Becker
Best wishes,
Mrs De Becker
Have a great Easter break!
Hi Class 4!
Happy Friday! I hope you have had a good week so far! We have had 2 weeks of home learning now, and from some of the emails you have sent me, it looks like you are doing a great job, I have loved looking at what you have been up to! Take a look at the Gallery page here to see some of the things that have been sent in. My email address is now at the top of this page so if you want to send in a photo of something you have done, or some of your work, just send it via email! Again, well done for doing such a great job of home learning so far! Just a reminder to keep up Spelling Shed and TT rockstars, they are all set up for you. Enjoy time with your families, read lots, listen to audiobooks and stay safe! Mrs De Becker :) |
Here is your White Rose maths activity for today! As usual, click on the blue button to watch the video (Lesson 5), then complete the activity. |
Vocabulary Check! This vocabulary comes from this weeks chapters of "Our Teachers are Superheroes". You may want to have a quick skim read of the chapters again to remind yourself what happens! Have a look at the document I have linked below the picture. Can you match the vocabulary to its definition? Write the title 'Vocabulary Check' in your Home Learning Books. You can either print it out and draw the lines to match them up, or create your own dictionary in your home learning books by writing the word, then the definition next to or underneath it! |
Easter Themed PE
Can you have a go at some of these Easter PE exercises? Maybe you could set up a circuit of different activities like we have been doing in PE at school? Have a look at the linked file for an explanation of the moves. |
Here is your White Rose maths activity for today! As usual, click on the blue button to watch the video (Lesson 4), then complete the activity. |
Dance Time!
Here is your White Rose maths activity for today! As usual, click on the blue button to watch the video (Lesson 3), then complete the activity. |
I thought we could try something a bit different for reading today. I have found an online reading game for us to use! Click on the image of the river to go to the sign in page, then type in this passcode: R H 3 0 5 8 If the screen changes, or you are not sure what to do once you are logged on, just click on "My Lessons" in the top right corner of the screen and it should take you there! |
Have you heard about children putting rainbows in their windows? I know lots of you have already had a go at this, but if you haven't, why not have a go? Use anything that you have at home to make a rainbow, then display it in a window where passers by can see it. It will make people smile when they see it! |
Here is your White Rose maths activity for today! As usual, click on the blue button to watch the video (Lesson 2), then complete the activity. |
Here is something you will recognise! Have you missed our times tables songs? Have a listen to the song, see if you can remember the words. Then have a go at testing yourself on the 8 times table. Can you write yourself 10 questions to complete? See how quickly you can complete them. |
Watch the video clip 1. Answer these questions
Have a listen to a story... Here is David Walliams with today's story. It is called "Tandy's Tantrums". |
Good Morning Year 4! We are going to be carrying on with the White Rose Maths lessons this week. Here is the first activity. As usual, click on the blue button to watch the video, then complete the activity. |
English E-Book “Our Teachers are superheroes” Are you enjoying the story so far? I am, I can't wait to find out what happens next! Read the next part of the book and answer the comprehension questions |
Following on from our Rivers topic, produce a fact file (this could be a PowerPoint, a video presentation, a poster or a leaflet) on 3 world rivers. Include as many interesting facts as you can. Don't forget you can send in your work to the office email address, I would love to see it! |
Just for Fun
Here are some other fun activities to do this week!
Here are some other fun activities to do this week!
Get active with some Minions Zumba! |
Have a go at making a superhero smoothie! If you don't have a blender, why not use the same ingredients to make a superhero fruit salad? |
A message from Mrs De Becker:
Hi everyone! I hope that you are enjoying your time at home and are all staying safe, the sunshine is lovely, I hope some of you have enjoyed time in your gardens! What are you reading at the minute? I have just started reading a couple of new books, I would love to hear from you if you are enjoying a particular book - why not take a picture of the book you are reading and write a review to send in? Remember you can always send in any of the work you are doing at home, I would love to see how you are getting on! Just use the office email address. I've also been listening to the David Walliam's audio stories that I posted on Wednesday. If you haven't already, why not have a listen? From Mrs De Becker :) |
How is it all going with the fractions activities? Here is the next lesson in the sequence. Click on the blue button for the video (scroll to lesson 5) then complete the activity sheet. |
Re read chapters 1 – 3 of the superheroes book Can you write a summary or draw a comic strip of what has happened in the story so far? Write the title "Our Teachers are Superheroes, chapters 1-3" in your Home Learning Books. You can either draw your own or use the comic strip template I have uploaded. |
Check out these videos showing you how to draw different characters. Can you have a go? I would love to see some of your artwork! |
Here is the next lesson in the sequence. Click on the blue button for the video (scroll to lesson 4) then complete the activity sheet. |
Imagine you are a superhero… what is your super power? What do you get up to? In your Home Learning Books, write the title: A day in the life of a superhero Write a diary entry or a story showing a day in the life of you as a super hero. I can’t wait to find out what you get up to!! Remember, you can always ask your parents to email me photos and documents of work you have done, just use the office admin email address. |
How did yesterday's fraction activity go? Here is the next lesson in the sequence. Click on the blue button for the video (scroll to lesson 3) then complete the activity sheet. |
Have a go at this 60 second read activity. ![]()
Just for Fun!
In your home learning books, write the title: If you were a super hero, who would you be? Write a description of yourself as a super hero. -What would your name be? - What would you look like? Would you wear a costume? - What would your super power be? - Where would you live? Use your descriptive language! You could include:
You could also draw a picture to go with your description! |
I hope you have your fraction hats on Year 4! We are going to start having a look at fractions over the next few days. Please complete lesson 1 and 2 on the linked website. Click on the blue button to watch the videos (only video 1 and 2 for now), then complete the activities attached here. |
Now complete the activities either on the sheet or in your home learning books.
We are going to start a new reading topic based around an E-Book called "Our Teachers are Superheroes". Here's what you can do: Read Chapters 1 to 3. In your home learning books, write the title "Our Teachers are Superheroes, Chapter 1-3" and answer the questions that I have put below. ![]()
We are going to be doing some work on telling the time. 1. Have a go at these telling the time activity sheets. You can either print the worksheet out, or simply look at the sheets on the computer and answer them in your books. You can use the title: "Telling the Time" You might want to have a go at drawing some clocks and writing the times underneath as well! PARENTS - The answers are at the end of the document so that you or the children can mark their work once they have finished. No peeking Class 4! |
Have a go at your very own home science investigation! Have a look at the sheet (look under the picture -->) You can either print the sheet or copy it into your home learning book. 1. Walk around your house, what kinds of sounds can you hear? Are they high or low (pitch)? Are they loud or quiet? (Volume) 2. Think about what we have learned in school about how sound travels. Using one of the sounds you heard during your investigation, draw or write about how the sound traveled to your ear so you could hear it. |
Just for Fun!
Here are a few other things that you could do, just for fun!
Don't forget... There is also TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed!
Think about the superhero book we are reading, can you design your own super hero costume? You could label it to show what it/you can do! Share a story with famous author Oliver Jeffers! Watch the video to listen to Oliver Jeffers reading one of his books and talking about the ideas that went into writing them! |
Learn a Dance Try this super hero dance from Go Noodle You could perform it to your family! |